Willing to actively contribute to the promotion of the arts, drawing on its experience in art law and live performance law, Rivedroit has implemented a sponsorship policy aimed at leading cultural institutions.

The pictures of the lawyers on this website have been taken by Yan Morvan
Yan Morvan is a French photographer, journalist, and photojournalist, born in 1954 in Paris. Co-director of the photojournalism section at the Centre de formation et de perfectionnement des journalistes, co-founder of the magazine Photographie.com, and an independent photojournalist since 1998, he has been published in the French and international press. He has covered a remarkable number of major conflicts in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa.
With a career spanning over 50 years (he published his first photograph in the daily newspaper Libération in 1974), which led him to work for Paris Match, then Figaro Magazine, before joining the Gamma agency and the Sipa agency for Newsweek, Yan Morvan has photographed (almost) everything (almost) everywhere on the planet: the punk movement in 1980s London, the brothels of Bangkok where Cambodians fleeing the Khmer Rouge took refuge, the Iran-Iraq war, the Northern Ireland conflict, the war in Lebanon (where he remained for four years), Lady Diana’s wedding, but also gangs and leather jackets and the social fracture of the 1990s… Taking colossal (but calculated) risks, he traveled to Uganda, Afghanistan, Cambodia, Rwanda, Kosovo…
In 2004, he began the “Champs de batailles” project, which lasted 10 years. Equipped with a Deardorff 20×25 camera, Yan Morvan systematically photographed the sites of emblematic battles. The world was his playground. He traveled throughout France, Europe, America, Asia, Africa, and the Pacific Ocean. In 2015, a 660-page book was published by Éditions Photosynthèses and brought together 250 battlefields. The series was exhibited at the Rencontres de la photographie in Arles in 2016 and entered the collection of the Musée de l’Armée.
Deeply humanist, viscerally independent, a bit of a hothead (but cool-headed), he is currently covering the conflict in Ukraine.
We are very happy that he has agreed, between two reports, to dedicate a series of photos to the Rivedroit firm.
2021-2023 // Sponsor of the French Academy in Rome – Villa Médicis.

2015-2023 // Sponsor of the International Meetings of Photography – Arles.
2015 // Sponsor of the Quai Branly Museum – Paris.

2014 //Sponsor of the Pompidou Center – Metz.
2012-2013 // Sponsor of the Paris Orchestra – 1st orchestra in residence at the Paris Philharmonie.